الأربعاء، 28 مايو 2014

Australia travels to Brazil and is looking to achieve surprises

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Australian team traveled to the World Cup soccer He is convinced that the offensive performance has helped him to achieve a surprise or two in one of the toughest groups, the first floor of the tournament which kicks off in Brazil next month .

The lineup includes Australia's 27 -man squad and will be reduced to 23 players next Monday with the announcement of the final list of teams .

The Australian team received a greeting from about a hundred spectators at Sydney Airport before boarding the team plane flying to Brazil .

He chose coach Angie Posticocalo inexperienced lineup in the list includes some of the players who will participate in the World Cup finals for the third time in a row .

Among the veteran comes midfielder Mark Bresciano , who accept the idea that the success of Australia over the past decade to raise the ceiling of expectations in his country even though it is at least rated team in the finals this year .

Bresciano said at a news conference at the airport " to go to the World Cup is the dream of a permanent , regardless of whether the first or the third . Hamas in 2006 I feel the same . "

He added , " We have a very tough group but we will go there and we will try to make our country proud of us and proud of ourselves and we will try to Nvajie the world. "

With defending champion Spain , the Netherlands and world champion and runner-up in Chile , the group is anything but a surprise defeat will be prepared by Australia .

He pledged Posticocalo , who took over from Holger Osieck in last October that his team will not resort to defend just out with positive results .

Bresciano said : "If you go with the mentality put the bus in front of goal , he will lose the game, certainly , because a 90- minute Competitors will penetrate your classes in the end . "

"I think that if we have any chance to get out with a positive result we must attack and attempt to cause damage to competitors

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